Locational Astrology


Assist you to choose a location and auspicious direction that is suitable for various developments such as for education, immigration, business, travel, etc. 選擇適合自己發展的地理位置與吉利的方位,舉凡出國留學、移民、國外經商、長途旅行等規劃,都可以透過換置占星學來輔助決策

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Locational and/or Local Space Astrology

  • 60 minutes is $300USD
  • Look at 3-5 places you’re considering and determine the best times to go to those places to activate life themes (love, relationships, home, success, etc).
    • for one person only (to find a place for more than one person, please contact me for pricing)
    • video recording or in-person Skype session recorded


  • 60分鐘 – $300USD
  • 查看 3-5 個您正在考慮的地方,看看這些地方是否適合您想要的生活主題(愛情、人際關係、家庭、成功等),並尋找最佳出發的時間。
    • 僅限一人(若需尋找一人以上都適合的地方,價格另計,請與我聯絡)
    • 影片或者面對面skype錄影方式諮詢


Instructions and things to note prior to your readings

  1. Once I receive the payment, you will be sent a questionnaire to fill out all of the required information to conduct the consultation session. Please fill out the form as soon as you can and submit it back to me.
  2. Turn around time is 5-7 days depending on the number of requests.  Reading will be in the format of a video which I will upload to YouTube and make it private using the email we have been using to communicate with, but I do not keep copies of the reading personally once it’s uploaded. Currently, I’m also open to face-to-face readings via Skype (if there is time difference between us, we will work out a time that’s suitable for both). The consultation will be recorded as well and upload onto YouTube after so you may rewatch if you need. You don’t need to download Skype, it is the same as zoom, I will send you a meeting link prior to the scheduled time.
  3. Payment is non-refundable once the reading is conducted and uploaded.
  4. If you paid for a reading, and decided you no longer want the reading, you may email me to cancel within 12 hours of sending the payment.  I will refund your payment minus 5% to cover transaction fees.
  5. Lastly, readings are just to help give you some advice and guidance.  Energies are always shifting when you start to act and think differently.  Don’t forget, you are still the master of your own destiny!


  1. 收到款項後,我將會email一份問卷,裡面的問題是針對諮詢所需要的訊息。請您盡快回覆後,提交給我。
  2. 取決於占卜數件量,我會盡量在5-7天內占卜完畢。占卜會以視頻格式上傳到YouTube,並使用我們一直通信的電子郵件設置只有您能觀看的隱私模式。我個人不會保留占卜視頻,但會保留在Youtube上。若您看完影片,想將影片移除的話,請來信告知。現也開放以skype的方式面對面諮詢(因時差關係,可能會需要互相配合一下時間若選擇Skype方式),skype的方式也會錄影下來,之後上傳至YouTube,設置為只有您能觀看的隱私模式。如果可以用面對面的方式,我會比較建議,因為有問題,我們可以直接討論。您不需要一定要下載skype,使用方式跟zoom是一樣的:)
  3. 占卜結束並上傳後,付款將不予退費。
  4. 若您已付費,但因某種原因想取消占卜,可於付款後的12小時內發送郵件取消。我將退還您付款總額扣除5%的交易費用。
  5. 最後,占卜只是為了幫助您提供一些建議和指導。當您開始採取不同的行動和思考方向時,能量與磁場就會改變。您仍然是自己命運的主人喔!

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